After weeks of hard work and sleepless nights you have finally built a service that you are proud of. Through a mix of word of mouth and paid advertising, you have found a way to get visitors to hit your website. And then, you mess everything up by giving visitors ten’s of ways to leave your landing page without getting in contact with you? What just happened??
Overlooking your landing page is the most common mistake in lead generation. Your landing page is a basic representation of your user experience. You will not generate a lead due to traffic or because you have a great service. You’ll generate a lead if your traffic has a great user experience before they interact with your service.
Traffic + User Experience + Service = Lead generation
If you miss the User Experience part of the equation, you’ll simply be throwing money out of the window with no leads or low quality leads.
Before we dig into landing page optimisation, please go through this first quick checklist. Just doing these 4 steps will drastically raise your lead generation conversion rates.
Try it. This works! And please don’t hesitate to add a comment below when it does 😉
Important: Your headline should have the html tag H1. This tag is used in design to make sure all of your titles have the same format. But it’s also used in marketing by search engines and advertising platforms to determine the most important element of the page.
Throughout this guide when we mention H1 or H2, it will respectively mean headline or sub-heading.
You are targeting people that have looked for a precise set of keywords or have showed a particular buying intent by clicking on your ad. And in theory, you should be offering a service that answers a need linked to these keywords. So it’s important to include the keyword again in the H1 of your landing page to reassure the visitors that they are in the right place.
You can get really creative with your headlines, but a solid high converting option is:
Headline (H1) = Keyword + [What will the visitors get by reading on]?
Storage Space London – Get The Best Price Of 2020
Interior Designer – Make Your Home Feel Unique & Special
Remember to also put your H1 in your Meta Title to show consistency to your visitors.
If you have more than 1 service or if your service has several goals it’s important that you create 1xH1 for each [keyword + service] combination that you want to promote.
Learn how to make a website and test unlimited landing pages without any coding knowledge.
Your H1 is why users start reading your page. Your H2 (sub-heading) is how you get them to stay on your page.
A good H2 format is:
[What will your service do] + [With this service]
Find the best XYZ by using our XYZ
Become happy by selecting a fun activity
This is your goal. This is where your visitors will turn into leads. So in this section, make it very clear to your visitors what they should do. If visitors decide to read more information on your page before converting, they need to remember where to come back to.
A good format is:
Left part of the page
Example: if you help families sell houses.
(1) Man in suit shaking hands (2) exchange of keys, (3) family with a big smile
Right part of the page
If they are reading this, your visitors do like the look of your service. Now they want to know more about you. Who are you? Why should they trust you? How much is this really going to cost?
For this section, you need to think about benefits, not features.
Reassure your clients in 4 simple icon + text.
Reassured by your USPs, it’s time to get back to your service.
Find 3 client pains and show how your service will solve their problem with a pain reliever.
Or, find 3 client gains and show how your service will make them happy with a gain creator.
Content format
Design format:
Finding client pains and gains can be confusing. If you’re stuck, we’ve created a quick list of questions below that should help you out.
What are your clients pains?
What are your clients gains ?
Your visitors now know that you have the right solution for them. At least that’s what you are telling them. But can they trust you?
Testimonials and reviews always works great. If you don’t have them yet, a quote from the founder will give your company a very personal touch. Don’t be too salesy. Just talk to your client. Say that you have had the same problems (or you know about their problems) and that you are trying to offer a solution.
If you do have testimonials, you can put them at the bottom of your landing page and add the founder quote just under the 4 USPs - Step 4.
Obviously you can simply put “reviews” or “testimonials”. But use can also use this title to show extra information about how you treat your clients.
It’s time to finally talk about you. You have already given your 4 unique selling points and reinforced the reason of creating your business with the founder’s quote. Now it’s time to give more details about your business. When was is set up? What makes it so skilful to answer this problem? What have you done to make this possible? Why you?
This is a great place to put pictures of your office, your team, your mascot etc. Anything that makes you look real.
2 or 3 “Call to action” buttons throughout the page that take the user back to the top of the page.
Try and mix it up: Get it now / Buy now / Start Now / Launch etc.
Remove all links to categories and other pages. Just keep the hygiene links: privacy, terms and your contact details.
This 1st landing page is your template. Depending on your market, your clients will need to be pushed towards the lead action. This can mean giving extra information, working on price or creating a sense of urgency. Clients react differently. Remember to test test and test.